Friday, November 7, 2008

Frenchy's and Sally Ann are lighter because of us!

It's our last day in Sackville and we've had a few more adventures to report. Yesterday began with a self-directed ballet class (Catherine, our ballet teacher would be proud!) at the university fitness centre and then we headed back to Patterson's for a classic diner breakfast (guess that cancels out the ballet class!)

After that, we stopped back at the hotel to drop off our sick little Mel (seems she always gets a cold while we're on tour...there's something suspect about that...) to get some sleep and Carolle to slog away on the operating grant appendices. That's a full-time job in itself!
Sarah, Tania and I then took off on a cross-province adventure (meaning we drove back to Nova Scotia, to go to Amhearst). We'd been told that the second-hand shopping was something to write home about (and as you can see I'm doing that, so they must have been right!)

We started off at Guy's Frenchy's and wasted no time jumping into the 2-for-1 bins. We were also shopping for Carolle too, so each of us were constantly pulling out items and calling out who we thought it might be good for. We quickly filled up our laundry baskets and headed to the dressing rooms. Sarah, as usual, was the most successful and came away with almost a whole new wardrobe, including the "piece de resistance"...a pair of black, snake-skin, high-
heeled, shin-high boots! We then headed on to Salvation Army to discover that it was "Bag Day"!

This meant that you could fill a garbage bag for $5! The tricky part was that we had less than 10 minutes to do it because they were closing! Well, we took this as a challenge and grabbed anything that we thought might be good for anyone we knew! This included some choice finds like this pink hippo sweater jacket, a fur lined hat (CC was looking for a russian model hat, but I don't think this is what she had in mind!), and some black snake-skin pants!

After dinner, it was off to the theatre to meet up with Marcel and Tom to start our tech. Those two are so good that we were even able to start an hour earlier that we thought. (There boys, how do you like those accolades!)

Today, we're about to begin a very long day, which starts with teching the rest of the show, doing a dress rehearsal, then the show and then driving back to Hali tonight. Ahh, life on the road...

Till next time (which will be Moncton in a few weeks),

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Patterson's, Jean Coutou and more....

After lots of admin work at the Bridge street cafe this afternoon we hit up the local Sally Anne and it was 50% off! A few good finds! Mel (not able to second hand shop due to extreme allergies...see previous posts) and little T (Tania) walked home through Waterfowl park instead. They saw waterfowl - 2 ducks, muskrats and bull rushes. There are mysterious skinny birch tree sticks just stuck into the ground all over the place here....we're on it and will let you know why as soon as we solve the mystery.
We then stopped back at the Coastal Inn for some quick modern and jazz combo "hotel choreography" (between the bed and tv) in prep for the workshop with the Mount Allison Dance Society. Then...we found it.....Patterson's. Oh yeah baby. The best diner food haven ever. The fish and chips was more than Saragan could handle. Sa finally satisfied her unstoppable hunger with some jalapeno slammers, a haddock dinner and an old fashioned milk-shake. Mel was really disappointed that she didn't realize you could get breakfast all day, so we'll be heading back there for an after class brunch.
After dinner we took a stroll to Jean Coutou for some candies and spa treatment face masks (anti-aging for the old hags - Saragan, Sa and myself, and moisture treatment for the young ones). Then we were off to Mount A dance studio to teach a workshop for the Dance Society. We had a great turnout of about 25 women. Mel taught a modern class (cunningham technique)....highlights include her elaborate "you're underwater and a fisherman catches your chest with hook and starts to reel you up" image for doing a high lift properly. I taught a jazz combo at the end of class. Such a great group of ladies!

We ended a great day with our spa treatment face masks (slightly gluey, but nice). Thursday is tech day and Sarg and Tom are on their way here.....more to come as we prep for the show!

Bridge Street Cafe

So here we are at Bridge Street Cafe. We're hard at work with each our own laptop and Carolle contacting Rohan through the banana line. Everything is calm today. We all went our separate ways this morning and were free to explore the town with no scheduled activities until 8pm. I enjoyed a walk through the water fowl park which was stunning, Carolle went to the gym, Saragan worked on Nutcracker, Melanie did some internet shopping and Tania pondered her new roles in Susie's and Roger's pieces. We've hooked up here at the hottest coffee shop I've ever been in. It feels like we're in Cuba and our pregnant member in a turtleneck sweater feels like she's going to expire of heat exhaustion very soon. She's hanging in there. What a trouper!

Anyway, across the street is the cutest theatre I've ever seen and I wish there was an afternoon show but no such luck. Next door is also the most authentic diner of diners called Mel's Tea Room which we decided to pass on because they served Jo Louis, Packaged Brioche and Canned Heinz Soup under bright floursescent lights that turned us an unusual shade of green. I would like to go though because it looks perfect with the mint green and dirty beige plastic furniture and old vinyl floor tiles.

I may hit Sally Anne later and walk back through the park. Sackville's a nice town. It would have been a fun place to go to University. OOOOH no! Actually we just found out this second that they don't compost here. On second thought I wouldn't be able to live here. So sad.

Until next time. Sa

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tania's first time in NB

So we are back on tour - this week we will spend our time in Sackville  NB, yes that is right in sweet old NB... It's kinda exciting to me because I have never been in Sacville and even more exciting for our new girl Tania who has never even been in NB - she is very excited to say the least, hence the title of this blog. 

Now I must admit I am not the "best" with computers and because this "fall time change" has really got me all messed up I am too tired to figure out how to put this photos in the right order so I will explain them in reverse order.

These first two photos are from the last workshop of the day. We went to the local curling club and taught a wonderful group of little ladies who seemed to have a great time. Unfortunately my allergies and asthma don't allow me to hang out in environments such as Frenchys, musty rooms, mildewy spaces and old buildings like the Sackville curling club, I lasted about a half hour and then had to leave so I could pass out in the van and start to breath normally. No worries though because the rest of Mocean suffered through it and prevailed. By the end of the workshop there was 12 smiling little girls which was wonderful. 

Now this last photo and the next few that follow are almost the highlight of our day - don't get me wrong the workshops and performance were great and the kids were sweet but we found this playground and thought it was unreal. I don't know about you but when I went to school we didn't have mini zip-lines on our playground - woap woap - it was so wicked fun.... Sa (Sarah Rozee) was the star and we now know where her little Sophie gets her monkey skills from. 
I am pretty sure these photos explain everything and I don't need to add anything, except I will take this time to say that solo shot of me on the zip-line is actually way cooler then it looks and I am really doing some fancy trick with my leg and I am not actually just scared. 

These next two photos are from our first workshop of the day - we had three workshops and one demo today. The kids at this school were great!!!!! They were sweet, energetic and extremely creative. What a treat. 

So I know I said earlier that the playground was almost the highlight of our day and I am assuming you are wondering what the "actual" highlight was..... Well today on our hour break we drove to Dorchester to see the penitentiary. CC told us that it was maximum security or something. Anyway I highly recommend driving by it if your ever in the area! It was crazy cool. We couldn't get too close because apparently only authorized vehicles  are allowed up the driveway and also your not allowed to smoke, have cell phones or video cameras on their site. Anyway it was awesome!!!! and the town was really interesting. 

Now my friends it is time for me to run off too bed and finish watching the election!!! fingers crossed. I will also address the fact that this entire paragraph is underlined. Actually you can choose one of two options, 1 - either I thought it was extremely important or 2 - somehow the underline got turned on at the bottom and I have no idea how to fix it.

Good night and sleep tight!